Thinking about what you can or should do with a piece of real estate? We can help. No project is too small. Some of the services we can provide are:
- Residential market studies
- Residential development strategies
- Highest and best use analysis
- Pre-acquisition site inspection, investigation and evaluation
- Financing strategies
- Pro-forma creation and sensitivity analysis
- Assistance in securing entitlements
- Sourcing, contracting and managing of third party professional services such as environmental, materials testing and soil engineers.
- Review of existing plans, surveys, plats, engineering documents and governmental approvals.
- Provide Owners with a proposed scope, estimated budget, projected cash-flow and schedule of remaining approvals, design, construction or entitlement to meet client’s requirements.
- Sourcing, contracting and Management of Civil Engineering or Architectural Design process and approvals.
- Plan evaluation and review with clients, value engineering, budgeting and scheduling.